
Weather at the Club

Current conditions from the new WeatherFlow Tempest station at the Yacht Club. This link is also mobile-friendly. Bookmark it!

LWYC on Weather Underground

Current conditions (different format) along with forecasts, radar, and other information

NWS Graphical Forecast Map

Current conditions, forecasts, including menu selections for wind and wind gusts


Public LakeCam

username: guest1 password: guest1

(expect a 10-sec delay when logging in)

Private MooringCam

username: member password: (use the clubhouse passcode)

Preset 1 = field 1, Preset 2 = field 2

Private UpperLotCam

username: member password: (use the clubhouse passcode)

Select "Mobile view" if using a PC

Smartphone app info and complete instructions vary by device and can be found here: [Instructions]
